
I've gone on at least seven caving trips to date. Every trip I go on I tend to go with a different group of people, although there are two or three of us who go down every time. Every trip I've been on we've gone down to West Virginia to visit Snedegar's Cave in the Friar's Hole Cave Preserve near Renick, West Virginia, on expeditions headed by Kyle McKenzie. As well, we usually take a day or two each time to visit other caves in the vicinity for variety. For example, I've also been to Bone-Norman (several times, including an eight-hour through-trip), Hamilton, Trout and New Trout Caves, Campbell's Cave, Marshall's Cave, New River Cave in Virginia, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.

Here are descriptions of a couple of the earlier caving trips I've been on: contains images and descriptions of a lot of the caves I've been to.

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